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Why we exist

We connect farmers to consumers in a profitable and sustainable chain

Cashew Coast revitalizes Côte d'Ivoire's cashew farming with innovation and local partnerships. We empower communities, improve methods, and boost quality for sustainable growth.












We believe cashews should have an identity. An African identity.

That of our growers, our employees, our communities.

Revitalizing Cashew Farming in Côte d'Ivoire

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From Farm to Fork: A Sustainable Approach

Locally Sourced, Locally Processed Cashews

In the heart of Côte d'Ivoire, where cashews naturally thrive, we've cultivated more than just a supply chain; we've fostered a network of sustainable relationships. Unlike other producers, we process our cashews where we grow them, reducing CO2 emissions and eliminating thousands of air miles. Here, farmers and factory workers know each other by name, cultivating trust and ensuring the crop receives the respect it deserves. Our vision extends beyond cashews, aiming to make smallholder farmers more resilient, develop processing and market access for their other crops, and industrialize Africa.

8. OUR VISION hands[68]
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From Farm to Fork: A Sustainable Approach

Locally Sourced, Locally Processed Cashews

In the heart of Côte d'Ivoire, where cashews naturally thrive, we've cultivated more than just a supply chain; we've fostered a network of sustainable relationships. Unlike other producers, we process our cashews where we grow them, reducing CO2 emissions and eliminating thousands of air miles. Here, farmers and factory workers know each other by name, cultivating trust and ensuring the crop receives the respect it deserves. Our vision extends beyond cashews, aiming to make smallholder farmers more resilient, develop processing and market access for their other crops, and industrialize Africa.

Empowering Communities, Cultivating Success

Investing in People and the Future

Our commitment to responsible business practices extends far beyond labels and certifications. By reinvesting a fair share of the value they create back into the local community, we empower our predominantly female team, offer educational opportunities, and provide healthcare to improve the well-being and prospects of the next generation of Ivoiriennes. This approach is not just a philosophy. It's a lived reality.

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Quality Rooted in Origins

The Distinctive Flavour of Home

The care and attention we devote to our cashews result in a remarkable difference that's evident from the very first bite. Beyond their exceptional taste, our cashews bear the signature ivory hue of their homeland. They embody the essence of where they're grown, as good food always should.

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Quality Rooted in Origins

The Distinctive Flavour of Home

The care and attention we devote to our cashews result in a remarkable difference that's evident from the very first bite. Beyond their exceptional taste, our cashews bear the signature ivory hue of their homeland. They embody the essence of where they're grown, as good food always should.

8. OUR VISION machine

We take great pride in growing our people, our products and being kind to our planet.

Welcome to the Cashew Coast.


Our vision in motion

Discover the heartfelt journey behind Cashew Coast: the people, the passion, and our unwavering commitment to a sustainable cashew value chain.
