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Cultivating Sustainability

The Cashew Coast Way

We take great pride in growing our people, our products and being kind to our planet.

Welcome to the Cashew Coast.

5. Cashew Coast SUSTAINABILITY Salma back t-shirt

Growing Green

Environmental Initiatives

We proudly engage in responsible practices, including replanting cashew trees, implementing beehives for pollination, abstaining from pesticides in favor of natural methods, and upcycling all by-products. Our relentless commitment is towards achieving zero-waste production, aligning our efforts with sustainability and environmental stewardship.


Our Community-Centric Approach

Social initiatives

Our social initiatives focus on community empowerment and well-being. We facilitate access to education and healthcare through school loans and medical facilities, foster self-reliance by establishing cooperatives in villages, provide clean water sources, and support women's picker associations with financial literacy classes.

5. Cashew Coast SUSTAINABILITY Grafting

Our Community-Centric Approach

Social Initiatives

Our social initiatives focus on community and female empowerment. We facilitate access to education and healthcare through school loans and medical facilities, foster self-reliance by establishing cooperatives in villages, empower our female stakeholders by providing clean water access, and skilling up women pickers' associations.

Growing Green

Environmental Initiatives

We proudly engage in responsible practices, including replanting cashew trees, implementing beehives for pollination, abstaining from pesticides in favor of natural methods, and upcycling all by-products. Our relentless commitment is towards achieving zero-waste production, aligning our efforts with sustainability and environmental stewardship.

5. Cashew Coast SUSTAINABILITY village children

Employee Empowerment

Our Commitment to Growth

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5. Cashew Coast SUSTAINABILITY our commitment to growth
Safe & Healthy Work Environment
Ensuring a Safe & Healthy Work Environment

We believe everyone has the right to work in conditions that foster their physical and mental health.


Fair & Prompt Remuneration
Fair & Prompt Remuneration

We ensure our employees are fairly compensated and receive prompt dues, reflecting our respect for their hard work and dedication.


Creating Opportunities for Growth
Creating Opportunities for Growth

We offer various opportunities for employee growth, including student loan programs, literacy classes, and women's associations to promote entrepreneurship and increase income for our female workforce.

Pioneering Progress

In the heart of The Cashew Coast, sustainability is our lifestyle, not just a buzzword. Our journey is about nurturing nature, promoting green growth, and enhancing lives. We empower our employees, fostering a brighter future for all. As we tread this path, we continually seek innovative avenues and partnerships. Our mission: a more sustainable, equitable, and prosperous world.

5. Cashew Coast SUSTAINABILITY photo salma conference